133 results
Community Council Scheme
Community councils and residents tell us that the governing framework Clackmannanshire Council sets out to help community councils operate democratically could be improved to suit people's current lifestyles and interests. The framework which sets out how community councils should operate is a fairly long, detailed document called the Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils (the Scheme). Changing it is a formal process. We have already asked people to tell us their views... MoreOpened 17 January 2018 -
Community Council Review Stage 3
The general purpose of a community council is to ascertain, co-ordinate and express to the local authorities for its area the views of the communities which it represents in relation to matters for which those authorities are responsible, and to take such action in the interests of that community as appears to it to be expedient and practicable. Community Councils have a statutory role in the planning process, in relation to both development planning and planning... MoreOpened 17 January 2018 -
Community Councils - final proposals
Clackmannanshire's community groups are responsible for a wealth of caring, social and recreational community activity which makes a real difference to the lives of many people. Community councils are one type of community group. As well as organising community events, community councils also play an important role in local democracy, representing the interests of their communities and safeguarding community amenities. Like other community groups, they get their strength from the... MoreOpened 17 January 2018 -
Budget Consultation 2018/19
Clackmannanshire Council has published a number of options which represent reductions and changes in services. More information about these options can be found on the council's website. MoreOpened 27 November 2017 -
Clackmannanshire LDP Review - Call for Sites
The Clackmannanshire Local Development Plan (LDP) was adopted in August 2015. It has to be reviewed within 5 years and this Call for Sites is one of the early stages in that process. It allows anyone with an interest in land in Clackmannanshire to make representations that a site, or sites, should be considered for allocation in the next Plan. The Council will consider any representations before preparing a ‘Main Issues Report’ for consultation. It is intended that this will be... MoreOpened 30 September 2017 -
Clackmannanshire LDP Review - Call for Issues
The Clackmannanshire Local Development Plan (LDP) was adopted in August 2015. It has to be reviewed within 5 years and this Call for Issues is one of the early stages in that process. It allows anyone with an interest in land use planning in Clackmannanshire to make representations on issues to be considered in the next Plan. The Council will consider any representations before preparing a ‘Main Issues Report’ for consultation. It is intended that this will be published around May... MoreOpened 30 September 2017 -
Clackmannanshire Children's Services Plan 2017/27
Clackmannanshire Alliance wishes to consult on its draft priorities for Clackmannanshire’s Children’s Services Plan 2017/27. A Children’s Services Plan is required to be jointly developed with the NHS under the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 . The Children’s Services Plan is required to set out how services are provided locally in a way which best safeguards, supports and promotes the wellbeing and rights of children in the area concerned, ... MoreOpened 15 June 2017 -
Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) & Locality Plans in Clackmannanshire
Under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 , the Clackmannanshire Alliance is required to develop, consult and publish its Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) 2017-2027 which will replace the Clackmannanshire Single Outcome Agreement. The Clackmannanshire Alliance is also required to identify localities for the purposes of developing Locality Plans for Clackmannanshire. Both plans must be focussed on improving local outcomes with a view to reducing the greatest... MoreOpened 13 June 2017 -
template two versions Community Councils
Community councils and residents tell us that the governing framework Clackmannanshire Council sets out to help community councils operate democratically could be improved to suit people's current lifestyles and interests. So, we feel we can't look at the governing framework without also finding out about people's attitudes to taking part in community activity. Changing the framework which sets out how community councils should operate to suit today's communities is a formal... MoreOpened 16 February 2017 -
Mainstreaming Equality and Diversity Report 2017-21
We are committed to tackling discrimination, advancing equality of opportunity and promoting good relations both within our workforce and the wider community. Mainstreaming equality is the process by which we are working towards ensuring that equality is at the heart of everything that we do as an organisation. We have a Mainstreaming Equality and Diversity Report (2013 – 2017) which sets out our approach to equalities. As part of our duty to promote equality, we are required... MoreOpened 31 January 2017 -
Budget Consultation 2017/18
Clackmannanshire Council has published a number of proposals which represent reductions and changes in services. More information about these proposals can be found on ClacksWeb MoreOpened 19 December 2016 -
Kennet Conservation Area Character Appraisal
The Council as planning authority has a duty to prepare proposals for the preservation and enhancement of conservation areas. The legislation also indicates that planning authorities must pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character of the designated area in making planning decisions that affect the area . A careful and considered approach is therefore needed in considering development proposals in a conservation area. The Appraisal therefore... MoreOpened 7 July 2016 -
Budget Consultation 2016-17
Clackmannanshire Council has published a number of Business Cases which represent reductions and changes in services. More information about these Business Cases is available via ClacksWeb. MoreOpened 24 November 2015
133 results.
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