Tenant Participation Strategy Development

Closed 17 May 2024

Opened 12 Apr 2024


Clackmannanshire Council is writing a new Tenant Participation Strategy, covering the period from 2024-28.

This strategy will set out key aims and objectives for tenant participation. Aims will include the growth of tenants and residents associations, scrutiny panels and other initiatives to grow tenants' voices in Clackmannanshire.

The questions included in this consultation have been written in collaboration with Clackmannanshire Tenants and Residents' Federation and other stakeholders in the Clackmannanshire area.

Why your views matter

Tenant participation is a legal requirement for all affordable housing providers. It is defined as "an opportunity for tenants to influence decisions about the housing services they receive".

Through this consultation we are looking for your views on how we can improve the Housing Service.

Your views will also help to shape the long term future of housing in Clackmannanshire, along with making a difference to your local community.

All of the information you provide will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Council's Privacy Notice.

This consultation should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Please note that if you know someone who needs help filling in this online consultation, they can go along to their local library and staff there will help with filling it in.

What happens next

The results of this survey will be used to formulate the Action Plan for the Tenant Participation Strategy 2024–28. The strategy will then be presented to Councillors for approval. 

Your views will help shape the community you live in and how other tenants can share their views as well as influencing the long term direction of the Housing Service at Clackmannanshire Council. 


  • Alloa Tenants and Residents' Group Meeting - Alloa Academy

    From 17 Apr 2024 at 19:00 to 17 Apr 2024 at 20:00

    If you are interested in becoming involved and making a difference to your community, please come along to the meeting, which will be held at Alloa Academy.

    We will focus on repairs and maintenance, antisocial behaviour, allocations and tenancy management.

  • Tullibody Tenants and Residents' Group Meeting - Tullibody Civic Centre

    From 22 Apr 2024 at 19:00 to 22 Apr 2024 at 20:00

    If you are interested in becoming involved and making a difference to your community, please come along to the meeting, which will be held at Tullibody Civic Centre.

    We will focus on repairs and maintenance, antisocial behaviour, allocations and tenancy management.

  • Alva Tenants and Residents' Group Meeting - Alva Academy

    From 8 May 2024 at 19:00 to 8 May 2024 at 20:00

    If you are interested in becoming involved and making a difference to your community, please come along to the meeting, which will be held at Alva Academy.

    We will focus on repairs and maintenance, antisocial behaviour, allocations and tenancy management.


  • All Areas


  • Council tenants
  • Expert stakeholders
  • Housing Support Clients


  • Customer Service
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Homelessness
  • Housing strategy
  • Tenancy management