Alva Regeneration First Stage
Results updated 23 Apr 2019
The report of the main issues arising through the first stage of consultation is available from this page. You can also see the results at the drop-in venue on Stirling Street on Saturday 18th May, 2019 from 10.00 am - 3.00 pm.
- Place Standard Questionnaire comments summary, 252.5 KB (PDF document)
- Alva Place Standard Ratings, 177.4 KB (PDF document)
- Main Issues Report - Alva Regeneration Project Stage 1, 281.0 KB (PDF document)
Clackmannanshire Council is proposing to make streetscape enhancements to Stirling Street and Brook Street, Alva which aim to improve how it feels to live in, move around and visit Alva, and improve journeys to school.
The proposals aim to improve pedestrian access to shops, schools and community facilities and encourage active travel. We can do this by improving the pedestrian environment, removing pavement parking and reducing road traffic speed.
These proposals meet community priorities in the Alva Community Action Plan.
Why your views matter
We have discussed community priorities with representatives of Alva's Community Action Plan group and, building on the priorities expressed in the CAPlan, our first step is to seek your views on your habits and preferences for the pedestrian environment before we draw up plans.
The proposals themselves will involve change which is likely to be significant and which could lead to a positive change for people using the shops, schools and other community facilities. In addition, the work involved in any enhancements to Stirling Street and Brook Street will cause some disruption to parking and access, so it is important that people understand the effect on their daily lives of the proposed changes both in long-term and while the works are being carried out.
What happens next
Once the people of Alva have shared their views, we will analyse your comments and look at how they might shape final plans. We aim to publish the results by the end of April 2019.
Drop-in - Fruit & Veg Shop, Stirling Street
From 21 Feb 2019 at 11:00 to 21 Feb 2019 at 16:00Residents are invited to share their views on Alva and how it feels to live, work and visit Alva. Ideas for street layout will be on display for comment.
Drop-in - Fruit & Veg Shop, Stirling Street
From 21 Feb 2019 at 18:00 to 21 Feb 2019 at 20:00Residents are invited to share their views on Alva and how it feels to live, work and visit Alva. Ideas for street layout will be on display for comment.
Drop-in - Fruit & Veg Shop, Stirling Street
From 22 Feb 2019 at 11:00 to 22 Feb 2019 at 16:00Residents are invited to share their views on Alva and how it feels to live, work and visit Alva. Ideas for street layout will be on display for comment.
Drop-in - Fruit & Veg Shop, Stirling Street
From 22 Feb 2019 at 18:00 to 22 Feb 2019 at 20:00Residents are invited to share their views on Alva and how it feels to live, work and visit Alva. Ideas for street layout will be on display for comment.
Drop-in - Fruit & Veg Shop, Stirling Street
From 23 Feb 2019 at 10:00 to 23 Feb 2019 at 16:00Residents are invited to share their views on Alva and how it feels to live, work and visit Alva. Ideas for street layout will be on display for comment.
- Alva North
- Alva South
- All groups
- Businesses
- Community groups
- All individuals
- Voluntary and community sector
- Road Safety
- Regeneration
- Economic regeneration
- Disability
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