Ludgate House Short Stay Assessment Service User Survey 2018/2019

Closed 31 Mar 2019

Opened 1 Apr 2018


We are keen to hear your views

It is important for Clackmannanshire Council to know how you feel about the quality of the Short Stay Assessment care you received.  We would like you to help us by taking a few minutes to answer some questions on the attached questionnaire. Please post it back to us in the FREEPOST envelope provided.

What will be done with the information you give?

What you say will be looked at along with everybody else’s opinions. We will then draw conclusions on the main issues that people are telling us about and write a report. This will help plan future services, to make sure they meet the needs of people like you. The results of the survey will be shared with all service users, The Care Inspectorate and elected members of Clackmannanshire Council.


Any views you express will remain strictly confidential.  They will not be passed on to your care workers, your social worker or care manager or anyone else responsible for providing you with help. You will not be identified in the report. 

What to do if you need help

If you wish, you can ask a relative or friend to help you complete the questionnaire.

If you would prefer to answer the questions by speaking to someone, please contact  the Senior on Duty 01259 226833.  This  is not a Short Stay Assessment Carer - any information you give her will be kept in confidence.

Thank you


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