Common Housing Register (CHR) Process Satisfaction Survey (Q3)

Closed 1 May 2020

Opened 1 Sep 2019


Common Housing Register partners are keen to ensure that applying for social housing in Clackmannanshire is simple and straightforward. 

Why your views matter

We would like to know how the Common Housing Register process was for you so that we can respond to any concerns and improve our service.

Allow approximately 5 minutes to complete the survey. All feedback provided is anonymous.




What happens next

All of Clackmannanshire Common Housing Register partners revise your feedback four times a year.  We will identify and agree together any actions that will help us improve how people can more easily and quickly apply for social housing in Clackmannanshire.


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Homelessness
  • Housing strategy
  • Tenancy management