ASB Customer Satisfaction - cases closed 2019/20

Closed 1 Aug 2020

Opened 1 Apr 2019


Day in, day out we work with a wide range of customers. We design, organise and provide services with our customers in mind and we want to provide effective, efficient, excellent and equitable services at all times. We strive to improve and get better in all areas of what we do, however, we can’t get better without your feedback.

That is why we have decided to use the Customer Satisfaction Measurement Tool as a means for driving customer change.

The Customer Satisfaction Measurement Tool allows us:

  • to continuously self-assess our capabilities in relation to provision of customer service, in particular, by identifying and addressing areas of concern,
  • to explore new skills and areas of customer engagement within our teams,
  • and finally, to become transparent when seeking external accreditation based on the results from this survey.


We would appreciate if you could express your views and comment on your experiences of using our services by completing our survey.

Why your views matter

This questionnaire applies to all ASB cases which were opened after 1st April 2013, and closed between 1st April 2019 and 31st March 2020.

In order to allow us to monitor the service we are providing and look at ways in which we can improve our service, when a case is closed we call any complainers to ask for feedback in how they feel we have dealt with their complaint.


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  • Customer Satisfaction