Clackmannanshire LDP2 - Call for Sites

Closes 30 Aug 2024

Opened 19 Apr 2024


The Clackmannanshire Local Development Plan (LDP) was adopted in August 2015. The Council have now commenced the preparation of its replacement, LDP2 and this Call for Sites is one of the early stages in that process. It allows anyone to make representations that a site, or sites, should be considered for allocation in, or removed from, the next Plan.

The Council will consider any representations before preparing an ‘Evidence Report’ which will identify the issues that LDP2 should address. It is intended that this will be published around the end of 2024/beginning of 2025. A separate form is available for those wishing to raise other issues which are not related to development sites, the ‘Call for Issues’ form.

The forms are being published well in advance of the preparation of the Evidence Report. A 10 week period is being allocated to allow interested parties the opportunity to gather the information required and for any discussions with other agencies or interested parties to take place. Forms should therefore be returned by 28th June 2024.

Please complete a separate form for each site on which you are making a representation.

This form and any supporting information submitted will enable the Council to consider sites for inclusion in the Development Plan. Please therefore complete in as much detail as possible. Please mark clearly any sensitive information which should not be in the public domain and/or redact any information as necessary and we shall ensure this remains private. Insufficient detail may result in your submission being returned.

As well as forming part of the consideration of a site for inclusion in the LDP, this information may be referred to in future, either at Examination, or when determining future planning applications. It is therefore essential that robust and accurate information is provided.

For more details on how we handle your data, see our Data Protection statement.

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