Leisure and Wellbeing in Clackmannanshire

Closed 14 May 2021

Opened 9 Apr 2021

Feedback updated 18 Jul 2022

We asked

We asked for feedback on current and future leisure and wellbeing provision.

You said

There was clear evidence from the survey that a swimming pool is required. Other feedback included: younger people want multi sports opportunities, fully accessible facilities are required, personal wellbeing, family time and mental wellbeing scored highly, after swimming, outdoor activities such as walking, cycling, open spaces were most frequently used currently and gym and fitness classes continue to be important.

We did

The Council agreed a capital budget of £16.8 million for the creation of a Wellbeing Hub in Alloa. Officers are working with expert advice and support from sportscotland to engage with clubs, governing bodies, partners, major institutions, equalities groups and other stakeholders on the creation of modern and sustainable leisure and wellbeing facilities in Clackmannanshire.

Results updated 12 Nov 2021



Clackmannanshire Alliance wishes to undertake engagement on its current and future leisure and wellbeing provision based on its agreed Sport and Active Living Framework Vision and Ambition for Clackmannanshire.


Why your views matter

By completing this survey residents, sports clubs, community groups and communities of interest can provide views on the leisure and wellbeing  services and facilities of greatest importance to them, to help inform and shape future service designs in ways that meet greatest need, and that are inclusive and accessible, particularly within the context of opportunities afforded by a new wellbeing complex that has been agreed by Clackmannanshire Council.  

We would like to hear about your usage and experience of existing and future leisure and wellbeing provision in Clackmannanshire.

Your feedback will help to shape future decisions so it is important that we hear from you.

If you require any additional information about this survey, or would like this document in an alternative format please contact us.

The consultation should only take around 5-10 minutes to complete.

What happens next

The survey responses will be fed back to councillors and included in a report which will be tabled at an upcoming Council meeting on options for future leisure provision in Clackmannanshire. 


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Leisure and sport